Keywords: pregnancy, pregnant women, COVID-19


The aim of this study is to look at the impact of COVID-19 on the occurrence of perinatal complications in women who contracted COVID-19 during pregnancy, among the population of the Lviv region. Data on the results of medical and social characteristics, somatic and reproductive anamnesis, and the course of pregnancy of women who contracted COVID-19 during pregnancy (the main group) were analyzed. 20.0% of women who contracted COVID-19 during pregnancy were aged 36 years or older, while there were no women of this age in the control group (p< 0.05). The majority of pregnant women who contracted COVID-19 during pregnancy, namely 68.0% lived in the city, and the majority of healthy pregnant women in the control group lived in rural areas, namely 70.0% (p <0.05). According to social status, a significant part of the women of the main group, namely 30.0% were employed, compared to the women of the control group, where only 16.7% or (p<0.05) were employed. 24.0% of women in the main group had certain peculiarities in their reproductive anamnesis and 52.0% of them had somatic diseases. None of the women in the control group had reproductive or somatic history of complications. All women in the main group had a complicated course of pregnancy, in particular, 30.0% of women had preeclampsia, 28.0% had anemia of various degrees, 52.0% of pregnant women had combined complications, and 16.0% of women had an exacerbation of somatic pathology. In the control group, 90.0% of women did not have a complicated course of pregnancy. The majority of pregnant women (96.0%) fell ill with COVID-19 in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, and only 4.0% of people – in the 2nd trimester. About half of the women (54.0%) had a mild course of COVID-19, 38.0% of pregnant women had a moderate course of the disease, and 8.0% had a severe course of the disease. Therefore, women over 36 years, living in an urbanized area with somatic pathology and complicated course of pregnancy can be considered as risk factors for perinatal complications for pregnant women with COVID-19.


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How to Cite
Melenchuk, L. (2023). ANALYSIS OF THE RISK FACTORS OF PERINATAL PATHOLOGY IN WOMEN WHO HAD COVID-19 DURING PREGNANCY. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 56(1), 425-432.