The article examines the topic of manipulation and its manifestations in various types of discourse: political, mass media, advertising. The author of the article also investigates the manipulative potential of the text space of Internet comments, using the classifications of manipulation types, strategies and tactics of manipulation, as well as typical techniques of language manipulation available in the scientific literature. Public opinion, which is formed in the discursive space, is an important component of the linguistic existence of society. However, the study of the manipulative component of written communication in the Internet space is one of the least researched aspects of a person's linguistic ability. In his work, the author of the article concludes that spontaneous online texts have a significant potential for researching the manipulative component of written communication in the Internet space. Manipulation is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has been the object of interdisciplinary research for more than one decade, being in the focus of attention of philosophers and psychologists, linguists and political scientists, marketers and specialists in the field of advertising. The famous American psychotherapist Everett Schostrom wrote in the book "Anti-Carnegie or Manipulator Man": "Manipulation is a pseudo-philosophy of life aimed at exploiting and controlling both oneself and others."
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