The aim of the article is to establish the relevance of university news headlines on the websites of British and Ukrainian universities. The study clarifies the integral nature of university discourse; develops a step-by-step methodology for comparative research of university news discourse using automated semantic text analysis ISTIO; and determines the relevance of news headlines by entering keywords in the text. University news texts represent concise verbalised fragments of knowledge correlated to a diverse subject area of university life. The research material was limited to the websites of two Ukrainian and two British universities. When choosing the universities, we were guided by the principle of comparability, which implies the study of linguistic samples relevant for cross-linguistic analysis. For this purpose, we took into account: 1) the history of the university's development, i.e. belonging to approximately the same historical period of foundation; in our case, the 20th century; 2) the similarity of educational programs. In our opinion, such criteria are important when comparing both the thematic heading of news and the quality of their content. These universities are: Loughborough University, Keele University (Britain), Kyiv Volodymyr Hetman National Economic University and Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of State University of Trade and Economics (Ukraine). The study used a number of general scientific research methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction), as well as linguistic methods, such as descriptive, discourse analysis, and comparative. An analysis of the relevance of news article headlines according to the presence of keywords in the text (identified using the ISTIO online service) showed that the authors of articles do not always take this correlation into account. According to our observations, the largest number of correlations was found in the English-language news discourse of the Loughborough University website.
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