• Maryna Kubai
Keywords: interactive learning methods; educational reform; intensification of training; principles of interactive learning; communicative


The content of the algorithm of interactive learning methods, which consists of five main stages: informational-analytical, categorical-conceptual, problem-content, visual-presentational, result-reflective, has been studied. The informational and analytical stage of interactive learning includes: brainstorming, «Sinquain», method of associations, method of one word. The categorical-conceptual stage of interactive learning includes: debates, group discussion, method of exaggerations, method of questions. The problem-content stage of interactive learning includes: business game, research game, case method, «Stairs», dialogue. The visual-presentational stage of interactive learning includes: «Fishbone», memory cards, «Decision Tree», project method. The productive and reflective stage of interactive learning includes: analysis of business situations, liberal club, role play.


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