The article proposes methods of forming methodical competence of future art school teachers. These methods are part of the methodical model developed by the author. We analyzed the scientific literature on the issues of professional training of students of higher art education institutions. It has been established that scientists have not previously made a thorough approach to the definition of an innovative methodical system for the formation of methodical competence of future art school teachers in solo singing classes. The purpose of the article is to determine the methods of forming the methodical competence of future art school teachers in solo singing classes. The research methodology involves the use of theoretical research methods, such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, and generalization of scientific thought. The article discusses the interpretation of the key concepts of "method" and "methods of art education". We present criteria and indicators of the formation of methodical competence of future art school teachers. We have identified the stages of formation of methodical competence of future art school teachers, according to which we have developed and proposed blocks of methods: personal and motivational methods, research and creative, analytical and technological, reflective and constructive. It has been found that the results of the implementation of the methodology for the formation of methodical competence of future art school teachers in solo singing classes in the educational process of professional training of university students require scientific substantiation.
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