Foreign languages play a special role in the process of forming intercultural communicative and professional competence. Currently, the main goal of a foreign language course in university is determined by teaching it as a means of intercultural communication in the field of professional activity. The modern credit-module system of higher education assumes that a significant part of the study time is allocated to independent work of students. The tendency to increase the amount of time devoted to independent mastering of educational and professional programmes, the concepts of continuous education and lifelong learning are oriented towards the student as an active subject of their own knowledge acquisition process. Self-management in education opens up the great potential of self-learning as one of the trends in lifelong education. This is especially relevant when it comes to learning foreign languages. Researchers of the problems of teaching foreign languages in higher education, highlighting modern trends in the development of education, emphasize the approach to perception of the educational levels obtained in the process of formal education not as a completed process, but as one of the stages in the continuity of education.
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