he article is devoted to the investigation of criminal and legal problems of enforced disappearance in Ukraine, taking into account the realities of today. The prerequisites for the criminalization of enforced disappearance are considered. Separate elements of the composition of the criminal offense in question have been analyzed. Disagreement with the correctness of the legislator's definition of the object of the considered criminal offense has been justified. Attention is focused on the peculiarities of the subject of enforced disappearance, including in view of the changes made to the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Separate problems of responsibility for enforced disappearance have been identified. Emphasis is placed on the prevalence of the practice of enforced disappearances in Ukraine during the war, taking into account statistical data. The stages of regulation of the legal status of missing persons in Ukraine are studied: the key concepts of the adopted law, as well as the amendments made to it, are analyzed. Based on the results of the study, positive achievements of Ukrainian legislators were determined. At the same time, problematic issues that require legal settlement were emphasized. A conclusion was made about the need to take further measures for the formation of an effective mechanism aimed at attraction to the criminal liability of persons guilty of crimes of enforced disappearance, in order to avoid impunity.
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