The article considers significant differences in the criteria and indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of planning based on the capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in comparison with the leading countries of the world. Functional features of material support as a complex system are given, taking into account trends in changes in the forms and methods of using troops (forces), and attention is focused on the use of defensive actions by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. A model of functioning of material support is proposed, which allows choosing a rational version of the composition and structure of forces and means, ensuring maximum efficiency of combat units ‘actions with minimal resource costs. The main features of material support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are identified and approaches to improving the functioning of the material support system are proposed. Creation of an effective system of material support as functions of logistics support in the conditions of combat operations to repel the attack of Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine, which plays a key role and is a priority task for improving efficiency in providing and managing the necessary resources of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The introduction of the principles of compliance and mutual compatibility, existing structural divisions of the department and the peacetime and wartime support forces will allow performing tasks in a special period. These principles are implemented through measures related to the optimization of the support system for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The maximum degree of autonomy at all levels of government allows implementing standards and procedures adopted in NATO member states in the Armed Forces of Ukraine in order to maintain the necessary level of defense capability, effectively respond to threats and challenges to national security. The need to avoid distorted wording or other concepts in defining criteria and indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of planning based on the existing potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and their correlation with NATO and EU member states allows us to modernize the system of providing material resources.
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