Summary. An emotionally vulnerable student begins to lag behind in studies, is constantly in a state of fear and anxiety, apathy, his/her general and social activity decreases, and the state of health deteriorates.
Materials and Methods. The article assesses the level of anxiety and stress resistance of pharmacy students during the period of preparation for the first stage of the Unified State Qualification Examination (USQE) – the Integrated Test Exam "Step 1" and the Professional English Language Exam for the specialty "Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy" (full-time form of education).
Results. It was established that high levels of situational and personal anxiety are characteristic of the majority of pharmacist students, who are characterized by insufficiently developed self-control and lack of confidence in their abilities, and for 73.8% of students during the period of preparation for the 1st stage of USQE, it is impossible to reduce the threshold of sensitivity to stress without processing the psychological component of exam stress.
Conclusions. Students of the full-time Faculty of Pharmacy have low stress resistance and a high level of situational and personal anxiety. Pharmacist students prone to high levels of situational and personal anxiety are characterized by stiffness, tension, and excitement in extreme situations, which proves empirical dependence – young people who are unsure of their abilities have low stress resistance and are more anxious.
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