Historically and even now, the literary and cultural environment of Azerbaijan is known both in the East and in the West. As a result of the severe tragedies, deportations, and genocides inflicted on the people of Azerbaijan, scientific and educational institutions, state institutions, museums, natural monuments, and cultural centers created in our country have suffered as much as our people. Theaters were also forced to live the fate of refugees. Today Shusha Musical Drama Theater, Aghdam State Drama Theater, Fuzili State Drama Theater continue their activities in the field of refugees. All three theaters, which have a great tradition of Armenian influence, have undoubtedly struck a blow. The annals of the Theater, which went through a tumultuous journey and was repeatedly subjected to Armenian vandalism, is a part of the historical destiny of our compatriots in the ancient lands of Azerbaijan. The article discussed the history, activity, and post-deportation activities of the Yerevan State Azerbaijan Drama Theater in exchange for all these processes. At the same time, attention was drawn here to the current situation of the Iravan State Azerbaijan Drama Theater and the works in the theater's repertoire. It was emphasized that the theater, which went through a difficult and turbulent path, goes on tours today, stages new plays, and gives successful performances. The article is dedicated to the ongoing processes related to the Yerevan State Azerbaijan Drama Theater.
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