The article examines the issue of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the readiness of lower secondary school students for innovative activities during the lessons of the courses of the natural-mathematical cycle. A set of pedagogical conditions that positively influence the formation of students' readiness has been proposed. It has been proven that providing a comfortable educational environment, constant support of the motivation and readiness of pedagogical workers for innovative activities, systematic use of digital educational resources and a complex of creative, research and applied tasks has a positive effect on the level of readiness of lower secondary school students for innovative activities during the lessons of the courses of the natural-mathematical cycle. It has also been stated that the formation of basic school students' readiness for innovative activities is a complex and long-term process that is impossible without the creation of appropriate pedagogical conditions. A comprehensive and multifaceted approach to the formation of readiness would give an innovative product (result) only with a clearly developed algorithm, which would be followed by all participants in the educational process at secondary education institutions. It has been noted that innovative activity in the lessons of mathematics, physics, economics, chemistry, biology, geography, astronomy, etc., is a priority task of the respective teachers, because these subjects cause anxiety among the students of education and due to their complexity, students lose interest in studying them.
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