The article identifies the conceptual foundations of the praxeological approach as the latest methodological guideline in the formation of professional competence of future bachelors of nursing. It is established that under the conditions of introduction of new educational standards in preparation of future bachelors of nursing researches of possibilities of training optimization of students on the basis of the organization of successful activity in the aspect of its productivity, rationality and efficiency acquire special value. The development of the ideas of the praxeological approach develops in two forms: on the one hand – general social knowledge as a theoretical activity of the mind, and on the other – activity as a specific form of active human attitude to the environment. It is specified that in the system of professional education praxeology there is a general methodology that accumulates provisions, categories, laws, which explain the phenomenon of professional activity; general scientific approaches, which are related to the consideration and solution of problems of professional activity of a person and the laws of the structure of his activity; interdisciplinary knowledge, which manifests itself as a combined theoretical and practical experience of rational implementation of professional actions; the results of reflection on the causes, conditions and mechanisms of successful activity.
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