The article highlights the problem of forming the communicative culture of students of higher education institutions. It is noted that in determining the professional qualities of young specialists, their communicative culture plays an important role as a set of professional qualities, moral values and communicative skills that are realized during communication. The essence of the concept of "communicative culture of a student" is determined and approaches to understanding the communicative culture of an individual and the main ways of its formation are considered. The importance of the problem of forming students' communicative culture in the process of learning native and foreign languages is proven. The necessity of forming a communicative culture of future specialists is substantiated. The content of the concept of competence in the professional training of young specialists is analyzed. The concept of communicative competence as a determinant of the formation of a person's communicative culture is revealed. The importance of communicative culture in professional education is outlined, as the presence of certain personal qualities, abilities and skills in each specialist, which ensure the achievement of goals in interpersonal interaction with other people, make it possible to communicate constructively, focus on success in professional activities, adapt to a new system of relationships in team, strive for self-improvement and self-realization.
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