The present study attempts to analyze the specifics of the point of view evocation in the adventure stories «Adventures of the Thrice Famous Robber Pyntia» by O. Gavrosh and «Wild Summer in the Crimea» by Z. Menzatiuk. The purpose of the article is to clarify interdependence between types of point of view and forms of speech and thought presentation. It was found that the psychological point of view presented in the analyzed stories, according to P. Simpson’s classification, belong to type B, however to different modes. The narrative perspective of O. Gavrosh’s story belongs to type B narrarial mode, and Z. Menzatyuk’s story point of view is classified as type B mode of reflector. It was observed that the categories of the type of point of view and the form of thoughts and speech presentation are interdependent, since the corresponding form of speech and thought representation prevails in the implementation of a particular point of view. The results of the research determined that the narratorial mode is characterized by the use of forms of direct thought to convey thoughts, because it has an effect in distancing the reader from the character, giving the narrator space for ironic comments. As for the mode of reflector, the free indirect form is more often used, because it can help to shorten the distance between the reader and the character’s feelings and thoughts.
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