Keywords: folklore consciousness, moral responsibility, artistic macrosphere, ballad, song-chronicle, image, artistic means.


The article is devoted to the problem of responsibility in non-ritual lyric-epic folklore. The poetic macrosphere of lyric-epic folklore reflects the multifaceted spiritual universe of the Ukrainian ethnic group, mental peculiarities, features of the national character, historical aspects of social development, and various transformational processes. Forms of rational and irrational understanding of the world were revealed in the folklore text, which influenced the formation of a special sociocultural paradigm. In traditional non-ritual poetry, the world itself, in all its inexhaustibility of interpretations, appears as the center of an axiological system, an unchanging value in man's understanding of all that exists. The broad information content present in the texts of traditional culture contributes to the realization of communicative efficiency, which helps to socialize and differentiate between essential and non-essential. The poetic system of the lyric-epic song represents the features of the structuring of a complex anthropological model. In the collective memory, exceptional events were imprinted, which reveal the actualization in the folk consciousness of precisely the moments of the destructive nature of an individual's irresponsibility for the consequences of his own actions. The article highlights the concept of "attachment of responsibility": everyone must be responsible for their actions. Through the multifaceted artistic macrosphere of the song, a number of important interpretations of the essence of moral responsibility in the axiological sense are revealed. An irresponsible act causes a corresponding reaction on the part of individual individuals, merging into a general moral and ethical assessment by the entire community. Thus, through the folklore image of the traditional lyric-epic song, the folklore idea of the uniqueness and uniqueness of human life, which is included in the living memory of other people, their experience and the spiritual world, is transmitted.


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How to Cite
Kopanytsia, L., & Pavlova, A. (2023). THE SYSTEM OF MORAL-ETHIC VALUES IN UKRAINIAN NON-RITUAL LYRIC-EPIC FOLKLORE: THE RESPONSIBILITY CATEGORY. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 58(3), 118-126.