Keywords: cognitive narratology, textual meaning, scheme, motions, character’s behavior.


Fiction is a valuable source of knowledge — any text can be viewed as a communicative phenomenon that verbally presents a fragment of a complete system of knowledge about the world. Nonverbal communication or nonverbal behavior the characters use is an embodied nonverbal experience the narrator presents and the reader perceives. Constants of nonverbal experience become visible as linguistic units or words denoting different kinds of characters’ motion: gestures, movements, face expressions. The notion of experience is connected with the notion of knowledge that presuppose revealing a textual meaning in terms of a scheme containing constants of nonverbal experience. The sphere of cognitive narratology makes visible the connection between nonverbal communication, nonverbal experience embodied in a multidimensional meaningful fabric of a fictional text. Cognitive narratology seeks to reproduce the connections between the narrative levels of the text and the modes of cognitive activity of the reader, turning to conceptual analysis and linguistic analysis of the text.


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How to Cite
Melnychuk, O. (2023). NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION AS EMBODIED CONSTANTS OF NONVERBAL EXPERIENCE IN FICTIONAL TEXTS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 58(3), 156-162.