Keywords: choreography, traditions, culture, youth, scientific discourse.


We consider dance traditions in the scientific discourse of youth culture in the field of choreographic activity (culture, education, leisure) as a means of youth culture. Dance traditions require attention from the scientific discourse of cultural studies. Therefore, we consider traditions as an integral component of Ukrainian culture, education, and recreational institutions. An overview of publications is presented, in which traditions and choreographic activity are analyzed directly in the scientific discourse. The role of dance in promoting the optimization of cultural communication, the acquisition of knowledge, the study and assimilation of samples of national culture, and the education of young people through the means of culture is analyzed. In particular, the role of educational institutions and institutions of culture and arts as centers for providing cultural requests of youth is sporadically highlighted. It was revealed that the culture process directs the youth to the European integration vector with its orientation to the future, the transmission of traditions in the plastic manifestations of folk art to future generations, the assimilation of values and priorities of cultural ideals. The implementation of traditions in choreography involves factors of a complex nature: training of professional dance disciplines in the cultural context of humanitarian sciences : philosophy, aesthetics, ethnocultural studies, art history. The complex character solves the leading tasks of art education, in which culture plays a leading role, so young people focus on the formation of special knowledge, practical skills and skills for improving special techniques and performing skills.


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How to Cite
Savchyn, L. (2023). DANCE TRADITIONS IN THE SCIENTIFIC DISCOURSE OF YOUTH CULTURE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 58(3), 175-181.