Keywords: text, text category, pragmatics, mass media, reportage, text structures, language means.


The article analyzes the text in the modern paradigm of scientific knowledge from the perspective of categorization and pragmatics. A look at the text in a categorical dimension attests to a change in definitions, an expansion of the interpretation of the concept. It is noted that linguists differentiate text and discourse, study the text in semantic, grammatical, pragmatic- communicative and structural planes, study the categorical organization of the text. Focused on what, in addition to written texts, oral texts also attract the attention of scholars. The analysis of the text as an object of linguistic research in a pragmatic dimension is presented on the material of an oral text – a football television report. Football live television reporting appears as a process and product of oral communication addressed to a multi-million audience of game fans. The features of the football television report as a text are explained through a system of text categories with units of a lower hierarchy (according to the concept of A. Yeshchenko) in three dimensions: from the perspective of semantics, from the perspective of communicativeness, at the level of pragmatics. Summarized that, the correlation of text categories of different dimensions serves as a text-constitutive factor.


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How to Cite
Struhanets, P. (2023). TEXT IN THE MODERN PARADIGM OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE: CATEGORIZATION AND PRAGMATICS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 58(3), 195-201. https://doi.org/10.23856/5827