Keywords: innovation, digitalization, educational process, artificial intelligence, plagiarism.


The authors of the article analyzed the issues of using the GPT chat in the process of training students of the State University of Telecommunications, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding. It is noted that the digital revolution 4.0 is accelerating in all areas of activity, and education is no exception; all of humanity is discovering how to use these systems and intelligent machines to improve human capabilities. The response of educational institutions around the world has been controversial, from restricting student access to Chat GPT to adopting the technology and using it to improve assessment and training original thinking among students. To conduct the research, the authors developed questionnaires in Google Form to determine the level of use of the GPT chat by students during training; its impact on the development of their skills and competencies and the attitude of the applicants to the concept of academic integrity in the context of using AI tools. According to the results of the survey, it can be stated that students widely use chat bots in the learning process, they believe that teachers should use AI tools when conducting classes, and some students noted that they had their papers returned due to plagiarism, through the use of chat bots. The authors found that open educational systems have radical changes; can use the power of artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT to optimize teaching, learning and educational management, which are the three irreplaceable pillars of every successful educational institution.


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How to Cite
Stepanenko, O., & Stupak, O. (2023). THE USE OF GPT CHAT AMONG STUDENTS IN UKRAINIAN UNIVERSITIES. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 58(3), 202-207.