• Gunel Yunusova Kamil Institute of Oriental Studies named after Z. Bunyadov of National Science Academy of Azerbaijan


The purpose of the research is to determine the issue of publishing and promoting the example of Ottoman literature in the Azerbaijani children's press at the beginning of the 20th century, to analyze the degree of relevance of the selected works and their role in the formation of children. Historical-comparative and typological methods were used in the article, and analysis-synthesis methods were used during the analysis of practical examples. Deductive and inductive methods were also used during the analysis of artistic material and the explanation of a number of scientific and theoretical ideas. In the period from the second half of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, Azerbaijan-Turkey literary relations, the attitude to the problems of Turkish literature in Azerbaijan's literary and cultural environment, both theoretically and factually, are quite broad and comprehensive. It is especially important to study the literary and cultural relations of the two peoples at all stages. In this article, the promotion and presentation of Turkish literature in the Azerbaijani press of the beginning of the 20th century is reflected, and the scientific novelty of the research is related to this. The main result obtained is that among the literary products published in the mentioned magazine, priority was given to works on national self-awareness, patriotism, freedom, nature, science, education, etc.


1. “Cəlaləddin Rumi”. “Məktəb” jurnalı, 1916. № 6. S. 83.
2. Əli Ülvi. “Tərəqqi” “Məktəb” jurnalı, 1912. № 2. S. 3.
3. Fikrət Tofiq “Həp qardaşız”. “Məktəb” jurnalı, 1920. № 1. S. 7.
4. Xürrəm Nazim, “Bən türkəm”. “Məktəb” jurnalı, 1920. № 1. S. 2.
5. İsmayıl Həqqi “Hiyləgər pişik”. “Məktəb” jurnalı, 1914. № 17. S. 6.
6. “Müəllim Naci”. “Məktəb” jurnalı, 1915. № 14. S. 21.
7. Rəsulova Sevinc. (2018) Azərbaycan uşaq ədəbiyyatının maarifçi-realist mərhələsi (XIX əsrin II yarısı- XX əsrin əvvəlləri). Bakı : Elm və təhsil, 296 s. (s. 32).
8. “Ziya Paşa” “Məktəb” jurnalı, 1915. № 15. S. 22.

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How to Cite
Yunusova Kamil, G. (2023). PROMOTION OF TURKISH LITERATURE IN THE “MAKTAB” (“SCHOOL”) COLLECTION (1911–1920). Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 58(3), 215-220.