The purpose of this work is to analyze the repression of the clergy of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (hereinafter referred to as the UAOC) in Chernihiv Region. The main basis for the source-based analysis is criminal investigative cases from the Archive of the Security Service of Ukraine in Chernihiv region (hereinafter – the archive of the SSU in Chernihiv region), the Branch State Archive of the Security Service of Ukraine (hereinafter – BSA SSU) and the State Archive of Chernihiv region (hereinafter – SACR). The work presents a small historiographical excursion of the problem. The author analyzed the reasons for the persecution and pressure on representatives of the UAOC, described the socio-economic life of the clergy during the period of repression. Using the statistical method, the researcher establishes the age and national composition of repressed persons, their level of education and participation in military operations during the Civil War. The author cites the memories of priests, which, in turn, makes it possible to reconstruct their lives and activities during the period of repression. The article establishes the exact number of repressed archbishops and bishops of the UAOC in the region. With the help of various research methods, the peculiarities of falsification of criminal cases of the clergy are indicated. The article defines the types of punishments that were applied to representatives of the UAOC.
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