Each business entity should make sufficient efforts to respond appropriately to the existing challenges (including the threat of a raider attack); however, not always and not all of them are able to cope with this on their own, and therefore require external assistance, which is expressed in the use of appropriate means of public administration to counteract raiding. The objective of the article is to improve the list of means and priority areas of public administration addressing raiding. The generalization of the developments of leading scholars and practitioners, as well as the results of the author's own research in this area, allow improving the list of means of public administration of countering raiding in the following priority areas: organisational and methodological support of public administration of countering raiding; prevention of raiding; localisation of raider attacks; minimisation of the negative consequences of the spread of raiding. The key to success in this area is the proper use of advanced methodological support, balanced application of administrative, economic, organisational, legal and socio-psychological methods of public administration, as well as consideration of market mechanisms and social norms which, to a certain extent, affect the functioning of business entities. The author proves the inadmissibility of the following: involvement of public administration officials in unfair competition; use of public authority to appropriate or gain influence over a company that has been subjected to a raider attack; use of anti-raider measures as a way of dealing with «inconvenient» public administration officials; preservation of the practice when the principle of «presumption of innocence» is applied instead of the principle of «presumption of impunity».
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