Keywords: Christianity, Ukrainian society, national education, Christian education, family, school.


In Ukraine, the social life transformation period continues and manifests in rethinking the ideals and educational guidelines. The processes of democratization aimed at the development of civil society that started in the last century are taking place in the Ukrainian society at the beginning of the 21st century. These trends cause changes in priorities in social policy oriented at solving the problems of educating the younger generation and the activities of such social institutions as family and school. Spiritual principles based on Christian morality also play an important role in the implementation of the education of the younger generation. The article focuses on the study of the socio-economic, cultural, and pedagogical environment in which the child grew and developed. The authors take a deep look into the historical and pedagogical essence and content of Christian education. The research proves that in the transition of Ukraine to a democratic state system the tendencies of educating the younger generation on Christian cultural traditions spread into the education system. A significant interest in the organization of domestic education is the study and use of the best achievements of the national education system. It has been established that the use of educational potential as one of the main links in the formation of a new generation of society has been established.


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How to Cite
Petrovich, V., & Charikova, I. (2023). NATIONAL EDUCATION IN UKRAINE: REVIVAL OF CHRISTIAN TRADITIONS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 58(3), 277-284.