Keywords: experimental research, cannabidiol oil, liver vessels, histology, morphometric studies.


Cannabidiol (CBD), found in Cannabis sativa (hemp), is a non-psychoactive phytochemical substance that has gained considerable popularity over the past decade. Cannabidiol is the main phytocannabinoid, its share in the plant extract can reach 40%. The aim of the study was to study and compare the microscopic architecture of the liver in normal and after 2 weeks cannabidiol oil applications in experimental rats. We conducted an experimental study of the effect of CBD on the liver 2 weeks after its use as a dietary supplement. The main group consisted of 18 rats to which 5 drops (3 mg 10%) of cannabidiol oil were added to the main feed once a day for 2 weeks. The control group consisted of 6 sexually mature white male rats, which were provided with water and food without any restrictions. Our research results showed that the use of CBD oil as a food supplement did not have a toxic effect on the liver, did not cause any damage.


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How to Cite
Shevchuk, M., & Volos, L. (2023). MICROSCOPIC ARCHITECTURE OF THE LIVER OF EXPERIMENTAL RATS AFTER CANNABIDIOL OIL APPLICATIONS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 58(3), 320-332. https://doi.org/10.23856/5845