This research presents an investigation of term-combination as a corpus-applied translation phenomenon, which constitutes a distinct branch of applied linguistics, merging corpus analysis methods with the study of fundamental translation doctrines. The aim of the study was to examine the theoretical postulates of collocational analysis and paradigmatic transformation of term-combinations in corpus-applied translation studies, determine the quantitative feature of reproducing term-combinations in the corpus of texts, characterize the corpus feature of contextual adequacy, and demonstrate the corpus feature of grammatical concord. The research results demonstrate that the reinforcement of logical determinism of the linguistic phenomenon characterizes an integrated hierarchical approach to the classification of official-business texts, in which collocational relationships between linguistic units are traced, contributing to the expansion of the sphere of terminological combination realization in context. Overall, official-business texts fulfill a dual role: informative and suggestive. The realization of these functions can be both implicit, encoded in the internal form of term-combinations, and explicitly expressed. The pragmatic orientation of official-business texts manifests through corpus-applied translation means. Official-business documents construct the official-business discourse, which we understand as a specific environment of linguistic communication aimed at the realization of lexical-semantic, derivational, grammatical, and stylistic levels. The system of approaches applied in our research constitutes a coherent corpus-applied translation formation, structuring the manner of organization of translation methods directed at the analysis of official-business terminology.
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