Keywords: lexical-semantic field, lexical-semantic group, thematic group, semantic field, language system.


The article contains an overview of approaches to the study of the concept of «field» as a marker of the immanent systemic nature of language, to the typology of field formations. In modern linguistic studies, there is a distinct tendency to study vocabulary as a complete system, which is determined in the works of T. Kosmeda, H. Mezhzherina, L. Lysychenko, O. Selivanova, O. Malenko, V. Tarasova and other famous scientists. The main proof of the systemic nature of vocabulary is the creation of special microstructures, or semantic subsystems, organized on the basis of paradigmatic, syntagmatic and epidigmatic relations. With this in mind, researchers offer various options for combining vocabulary: lexical-semantic groups, semantic fields, thematic groups, thematic classes, etc. The projection of such a position onto the lexical layer of the language actualizes the concept of lexical-semantic fields, which are united by a content commonality and reflect the conceptual, substantive or functional closeness of the indicated phenomena. In the article, we focus our attention precisely on the concept of the lexical-semantic field, since it most vividly reflects the hierarchical structure of fragments of the lexical-semantic system and expresses the relationship of traditional language categories, preserving the natural systematicity of the language phenomenon.


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How to Cite
Mikriukova, K. (2023). SYSTEMICITY OF THE LEXICAL LAYER OF THE LANGUAGE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 59(4), 67-72.