The article describes the effectiveness of the mechanisms of practical use of game technologies in the environment of inclusive education. The search for optimal ways and the effectiveness of the educational process will be as successful as possible if learning is exciting, interesting, informative, motivating and creative. In connection with today's challenges, the issue of optimization, innovation and availability of knowledge has become relevant. The game as a means of sensory influence for the field of inclusion is extremely important, because it allows people with special needs to adapt to life's difficulties in the future. The paradigm of gaming practices grew as a result of the fact that digital education was institutionalized rather quickly and impulsively. An important transition took place in the system of educational values: the acquisition of experience in the form of informative blocks, the possession of a number of facts, statistics were replaced by the ability to effectively apply the necessary knowledge in the field of practical activity, that is, in life; to be able to choose the main thing, to find the necessary information and to be capable of its practical application. The issue of selecting original methodical practices that would be effective for comprehensive training of students with disabilities remains relevant. Participants of the educational process, who are included in the inclusive platform, are forced to undergo another, universal adaptation in the difficult realities of today. The method of pedagogical observation in combination with a Google Form survey made it possible to analyze the functional significance of game elements in classes in the disciplines of the philological cycle and to prove the effectiveness of the game as a sensory tool among people with special educational needs.
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