The article examines the problem of Turkism and Turanism in the poetry of one of the Azerbaijani romantics, Muhammad Hadi. It is shown that his work in the magazine "Füyuzat" and being a representative of the "Füyuzat" literary school increased the opinion of Turks from the beginning of his work. The idea of homeland, nation, and people described in his articles, his attitude to the issue of literary language, and his poems were also related to Turkism. Like A. Huseynzadeh, I. Gaspıralı, H.S. Ayvazov, M. Hadi not only defended the all-Turkish literary language, but even considered it necessary to adopt the Ottoman dialect of this language. The processes that took place around Turkey during the First World War, his presence in the war, strengthened the position of Turkism and Turanism in his work, and the ideology of Turkism, which appeared in the language of his poems and articles at the beginning of his work, deepened and gained new content. In his poems written during the republic, he calls for Turkish unity. In many of his poems written during this period, the poet calls to protect the independence won by the Turkish nation and to protect the motherland from the enemy. Although the idea of Turan and Turanism are not clearly emphasized in M. Hadi's poems, the spiritual map and ideology of the image of Turan are drawn in the poetic understanding of the ideology of Turkism.
2. Hadi M. (1906) Bayani tasawuf fi khusul lisan, January 20, p. 2.
3. Garayev Y. (2005) Preface///Hadi M. Selected works. Baku, East-West, 464 p., p. 4-16.
4. Hadi M. (2005) Selected works. Baku, East-West, 464 p.
5. Ottoman V. (2014) Azerbaijani romanticism. In 2 volumes, II c., Baku: – Science, 452 p.
6. Hadi M. (1918) Song of Turk. Azerbaijan, September 15, p. 2.
7. Bayramoglu A. (2004) Literature during the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. Baku: Science, 276 p.
8. Hadi M. (1918) Victory-toward the end. Azerbaijan, 1918, November 6, p. 2.
9. Hadi M. (1919) Our philosophy. Azerbaijan, April 3, p. 2
10. Hadi M. (1919) To our soldiers and volunteers. Azerbaijan, April 22, p. 2. 11. Hadi M. (1919) To our soldiers and volunteers. Azerbaijan, April 23, p. 2.
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