Keywords: urban street network, intersection, interchange, project solution, efficiency criteria, efficiency evaluation, delay time for cars, transport modeling.


The article examines the current problems of transport modeling using to evaluate the efficiency of intersections and interchanges in a saturated by traffic flows urban street network in conditions of limited resources. It was found out that current urban planning documentation in Ukraine is oriented towards working with unsaturated by traffic flows urban street network, and the main efficiency indicator now is the capacity. It has been proven that the efficiency of the urban street network depends on the efficiency of its components – intersections, interchanges, and links. Due to the permanent redistribution of the traffic flows, intersections and interchanges have a greater impact on the urban street network efficiency. In turn, the efficiency of the intersections and interchanges is determined by their project solutions. It was concluded that it is possible to evaluate the efficiency of the intersections and interchanges on the urban street network using the total delay time for cars. Accordingly, the criterion for evaluating the efficiency of the intersections and interchanges is the reduction of this indicator. The computer experiment showed that the reduction of delay time for cars at intersections and interchanges in saturated by traffic flows urban street networks does not necessarily mean a decrease in the total delay time for cars. At the same time, a decrease in the total delay time for cars may stimulate demand for additional car trips, which will lead to an increase in the total delay time for cars due to an increase in the number of cars in the urban street network. It is justified that the choice of efficiency criteria should be approached responsibly and carefully especially in conditions of limited resources.


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How to Cite
Bespalov, D. (2023). EFFICIENCY EVALUATION OF INTERSECTIONS AND INTERCHANGES OF THE URBAN STREET NETWORK IN UKRAINE USING TRANSPORT MODELING. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 59(4), 250-261. https://doi.org/10.23856/5931