The article is devoted to the study of the representation of environmental and military issues in the English-language song text ‘C+arol of the Ecocide’, which is actually a timely cover for the legendary melody ‘Shchedryk’ by an outstanding Ukrainian composer M. Leontovych. In the narrative ‘Carol of the Ecocide’ there are analyzed the depictions of tragic pictures of wartime reality, which appeal to the recipients with a call to stop the death, destruction of the natural environment, which is taking place in Ukraine on a significant scale. It is traced how these lyrics clearly outline the harmful and destructive effects of war on the environment, also called ecocide, which is considered a crime against humanity. The author notes that ‘Carol of the Ecocide’ combines various goals, among which the following stand out: to honor the 100th anniversary of ‘Shchedryk’, and in this way to reactualize the national cultural and historical heritage, which is a fundamental factor in nurturing ethnic identity, which is extremely and crucially important in the fight against colonial enslavement; and call for an end to ecocide as a result of the war in Ukraine. There has been revealed a connection between ‘Shchedryk’ by M. Leontovych and ‘Carol of the Bells’ by P. Wilhousky and ‘Carol of the Ecocide’ by Ye. Matyushenko and Yu. Zvonar. The significance of the cultural sphere for the security and prosperity of the country, state, and nation, as well as for the preservation and cherishing of ethnic identity, is emphasized.
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