Keywords: political communication, system, information, stability, socialization.


Research on political communication (the process of communication between participants in political activity) is of great linguistic interest, which increases over time, since this phenomenon is associated with the thinking characteristics of certain social groups and individuals, the characteristics of national culture, as well as historical events. In modern science, several main directions have emerged in the study of political discourse and political communication. Within the framework of the general theory of communication, researchers identify six fundamental approaches: − linguistic approach (language is considered as a means of social control and restriction of access to political institutions and political processes); − system approach (political communication is associated with the concept of social control and is considered in terms of interaction between elements of the system); − functional approach (political communication performs the function of socialization, i.e. social adaptation to the norms of the political system, and the function of maintaining stability); − symbolic approach (politics and political communication are defined in terms of the exchange of symbols); − organizational approach (the analysis of political communication focuses on intragovernmental information flows and emphasizes the importance of factors limiting this flow and differentiating access to information); − “ecological” approach (analysis of political communication from the point of view of the influence of the political system on it).


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How to Cite
Yu, L. (2023). STAGES OF IDENTIFICATION OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION IN POLITICAL DISCOURSE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 60(5), 81-85.