Keywords: paremiology, proverbs, variants, lexical, morphology, syntactic.


It is an inescapable fact that we see that proverbs, which are paremiological minimums, are constantly undergoing modifications, and of course this fact reveals the necessity of studying the variability in proverbs. The variation of proverbs as relatively complex structural units compared to words is particularly relevant. Variability in paremiological units has the opportunity to show itself in many cases. So, the word in its structural composition can be used in many variants. The variability of paremic expressions may be related to the replacement of one lexeme by another, the change of the word order in the component composition, the necessity or optionality of their use. The processing of different variants of paremiological units is the most important source of expressiveness and expressiveness used to influence the recipient. They give speech dynamism and lively speech intonation. In the course of the research, we included in the analysis the lexical, morphological, structural-syntactic types of variability in the field of paremic units. The most used types of variation in proverbs are lexical, followed by morphological and syntactic variation. Variability at the syntactic level in proverbs is more fully represented, especially in the structure of syntactic units such as word combinations and sentences. New aesthetic and artistic qualities appear in the variants created during the changes in the structure of proverbs. As a result, the author’s speech becomes more emotional and its impact increases many times.


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How to Cite
Nasirova, G. (2023). VARIABILITY IN MODERN PAREMIOLOGY AND ITS TYPES. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 60(5), 92-96.