A theoretical overview of the problematics of deviation formation, as a process in the social environment, has been conducted. It is noted that the issue of deviation formation within the spectrum of a social phenomenon is a complex task. Emphasis is placed on the consideration of the economic factor as one of the key elements in establishing stability and minimizing the formation of deviant behavior. The paper also outlines the problem of defining the phenomenon of interaction at societal and individual levels. The phenomenon of socialization influence in society is highlighted as one of the controlling factors in societal formation and the representation of socially established norms within a unit of society in a social environment. Emphasis is placed on the fact that considering the phenomenon of deviation and its mechanisms is part of the accompaniment within social maladaptation. The significance of a stable form of societal structure prevailing over a crisis form is highlighted. The form of a unit of society within the system of forming deviant behavior is considered, specifically within the social environment. It is also emphasized that one of the key aspects of researching deviant behavior within the social direction is considering age categories in deviation research.
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