The main goal of the research is to study the problem of vehicle routing during winter maintenance of highways, as well as to build a corresponding mathematical model. It is determined that this problem can be characterized as a typical NP-complete problem. A variety of approaches to solving the problem of routing special equipment are considered. In particular, constructive, composite and mixed (metaheuristic) methods were researched. It was found that some researchers tried to automate the process of route planning, for example, developed application software. It was determined that winter maintenance of roads includes chemical, manual, mechanical and physical snow removal operations. It was established that regardless of the method, the road agency should make management decisions regarding the optimal routes of special vehicle. It is proposed to solve this problem using Graph theory. In this case, the Graph will steal from nodes and lengths between them – routes. The objective function minimizes the number of routes of specialized equipment for winter maintenance of the road network by selecting parameters using binary programming. Since the uncertainty factor is programmed into the proposed mathematical model, we believe that the application of the genetic algorithm for solving the mathematical model will be a promising step in the development of the given research.
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