The article analyzes the role of lighting in portrait photography, emphasizing how the harmony between light and shadow can affect the emotional depth and visual appeal of an image. Photography, presented as an art and science of light, requires not only professional skills, but also the talent and skill of the photographer. The skill of a photographer lies not only in technical execution, but also in the ability to convey life and emotions through the image, revealing the true character of a person. Thus, a portrait photographer should be able to capture the soul and inner world of the model, which is a sign of his or her true skill. The article pays special attention to lighting under artificial lighting. It further discusses such aspects as distance between the subject and the light source, directionality of light, the size of light source and the distance to the subject, as well as the importance of shape of reflector. The different types of lighting in portrait photography are also discussed: back, side, front, diffused, and hard light, each of which affects the final image. The study includes analysis of current trends and innovative lighting techniques in portrait photography. It emphasizes the importance of the photographer’s ability to use different light sources to create images that reflect uniqueness and personality of the model. This study aims to expand the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of photographers, striving to improve the quality and expressiveness of portrait images.
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