Keywords: crisis management, educational institutions, martial law, management functions, anti-crisis plan, risks, threats.


The article reveals the peculiarities of crisis management of educational institutions in conditions of martial law. The current state of functioning of educational institutions in Ukraine is analyzed. The problems of educational institutions that have arisen as a result of Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine are outlined. An analysis of the research of Ukrainian scientists on the problems of crisis management of educational institutions in wartime is carried out. The essence of the concept of "crisis" is revealed, the causes, factors, symptomatic indicators and consequences of the social crisis in Ukraine are determined. The purpose of anti- crisis management of an educational organization and the peculiarities of performing the main management functions (planning, organization, motivation, control) in the context of the crisis associated with military operations on the territory of Ukraine are outlined. The ways to ensure the results of the educational institution's activities in the context of crisis in the context of systemic and crisis management are revealed. An algorithm for creating an anti-crisis management plan for an educational institution is proposed. Examples of the use of tools for analyzing the impact of environmental factors on the activities of an educational institution, projecting potential risks and threats are given. An indicative list of tasks of the crisis management team of an educational institution is presented. Attention is focused on the importance of the psycho-emotional state of teachers and support staff and the main tasks of the manager to maintain the microclimate in the team during the war.


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How to Cite
Hrevtseva, Y., & Kravchenko, T. (2024). CRISIS MANAGEMENT OF AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION IN CONDITIONS OF MARTIAL LAW. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 61(6), 50-61.