• Wojciech Grabałowski Polonia University in Czestochowa
Keywords: world economy, globalization, world financial crisis, real economy, speculation, dissection of property, the principle of sustainable economic development


The author, discussing the main problems of economics and the world economy, starts with the problem and the state caused by the economic crisis of 2007 – 2010, points out the importance and the threat of massive overhang of speculative money, having only the intermediate and illusory relationship with the real sphere. As the second issue, the author recognizes the deep stratification of wealth in today’s world’s societies, citing the research conducted by T. Piketty in his work “Capital in the twenty-first century”. As a third problem, the author shows the mistakes and shortcomings of today's globalization process of the world economy and the need to return towards the realization of the economic principles of sustainable and sovereign development of all economies of the world. At the end the author quotes and presents twelve challenges to economics, world economy and politics of the next few years, the solution of which may be the beginning of the next wave of world civilization.

Author Biography

Wojciech Grabałowski, Polonia University in Czestochowa


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How to Cite
Grabałowski, W. (2017). DILEMMAS OF WORLD ECONOMY AND ECONOMICS PROBLEMS AND RISKS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 20(1), 75-82. https://doi.org/10.23856/2008