The study aimed to investigate the frequency and structure of congenital and hereditary pathologies identified through non-invasive and invasive methods of prenatal diagnostics in women who contracted COVID-19 during pregnancy, among the population of the Lviv region. The data from prenatal diagnostics results of congenital developmental defects in non-invasive prenatal diagnostics and hereditary diseases in invasive prenatal diagnostics were analyzed in women who contracted COVID-19 during pregnancy. The study demonstrated that the frequency of diagnosing congenital anomalies (CA) in the fetus among 159 pregnant women in non-invasive prenatal diagnostics (PND) was 13.8%. In the structure of congenital anomalies, facial anomalies were the most prevalent, accounting for 5.0% in the first position, followed by anomalies of the cardiovascular system at 2.5% in the second position, anomalies of the skeletal system at 2.5% in the third position, and multiple congenital anomalies at 1.9% in the fourth position. Invasive prenatal diagnostics were performed on 12.6% of women in this group, with chromosomal pathology detected in 5.0% of women: trisomy 21 was diagnosed in 3.8%, Turner syndrome in 1.3%, and a normal karyotype was identified in 7.5% of patients. The frequency of chromosomal pathology in women who contracted COVID-19 during pregnancy was 5.0%. The results of this study will contribute to the improvement of effective medical-genetic counseling and the prediction of healthy offspring.
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