Student youth are constantly in various stressful circumstances associated with social, economic, and psychological changes. These factors, as well as an unbalanced diet, lack of sleep, negatively affect the physical, mental and social health of students, and create prerequisites for reducing the adaptive capacity of the body. Studying the adaptation capabilities of students in conditions of intensive study load will make it possible to analyze their adaptation potential and level of health in order to introduce health-improving, preventive and medical measures if necessary. As a marker for evaluating the work of the human cardiovascular system, we used such indicators as heart rate, adaptation potential, endurance coefficient, Rufier index. We evaluated the functioning of the circulatory system in students of the Faculty of Biology by determining the adaptation potential according to Baevsky, the coefficient of endurance according to the Kvass formula and the Roufier index. Having assessed the level of functioning of the circulatory system in students of the II year according to the indicator of adaptation potential, we found that the majority of students have a satisfactory level of adaptation. In 30% of male students and 35% of female students, a poor and unsatisfactory evaluation of the reaction according to the Rufier index and weakening of the cardiovascular system was found in 40% of male students and 71% of female students, according to the endurance coefficient. This is probably explained by a decrease in the reserve capabilities of the cardiovascular system due to the low physical fitness of the students.
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