Keywords: Ali and Nino, Azerbaijan, Y.V.Chamanzamanli, Gurban Said, Georgia, Tbilisi


One of the most interesting and enigmatic works of art of the history of Azerbaijan culture in terms of a lot of problems is a novel of “Ali and Nino”. This work whose author is still unknown can be considered as the masterpiece of world literature both in artistic and aesthetic terms and also from the point of view of intellectual level. The point is that there are some examples of creativity in the world that they are covered with the secrets between the destiny and love of reader and author and become target of different opinions for a long time. Personality and tragedies of Shakespeare, conflicting opinions around "The Quiet Don" of M.Sholokhov etc. also includes here. The work “Ali and Nino” that can conquer the hearts of readers with its character which is cohere with its generation – pedigree, Baku, Motherland with endless love and deep fanaticism in all respects, translated from German language to Azerbaijani language in the 70s are among such mysterious works of the world literature.


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How to Cite
Abbasova, S. Z. (2024). “ALI AND NINO”: BETWEEN POETRY AND REALITY. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 62(1), 9-19. https://doi.org/10.23856/6201