Keywords: Karabakh, prose, theme, novel, literature


The Karabakh theme, which is our destiny-laden issue, has formed the main line of the works of most of our writers, poets, playwrights and publicists since independence. Every person of word from time to time tried to fully revive our national grief, Karabakh, right up to the liberation of our lands from occupation. The novels “Dolu” by Agil Abbas, “Zengule” by Nushaba Mammadli, “Qara qan” by Fazil Guney, the “Qarabagh” trilogy by Sabir Ahmadli, the story “Esirler” by Elchin Huseynbeyli, the story “Shekil” by Sharif Aghayar are remembered as the best works written on the subject of Karabakh since independence. In the works we have mentioned, the Karabakh theme, the longing for the homeland have found a whole poetic solution. As it can be seen, in the period of about thirty years between Karabakh War I and Karabakh War II, in our literature, along with the Karabakh grief, the languor of the Motherland, the loss of land, the topic of irreconcilability has retained its relevance. If we say that war is the greatest crime against mankind, humanity, it may be an understatement. We can talk about the wounds it inflicted on people's lives for years and centuries. However, there are times in history when wars are inevitable.In particular, the struggles of the states to gain freedom and independence were often accompanied by wars in their lives. From this point of view, poets, prose writers, playwrights and publicists of different generations have always focused on the tragedy of our compatriots who have experienced a loss of land and become displaced and displaced in their homeland in literary works.


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How to Cite
Namazova, S. (2024). KARABAKH THEME IN AZERBAIJANI PROSE IN THE PERIOD OF INDEPENDENCE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 62(1), 85-90. https://doi.org/10.23856/6211