Keywords: educational institutions, educational process, competence, learning approaches, digitalisation


The article is devoted to the analysis and development of methodological recommendations for the successful implementation of the competence-based approach in the higher education system of Ukraine. The authors describe the main aspects of the competency-based approach, its advantages, features of implementation, as well as possible obstacles and challenges that may arise during its implementation. The article discusses the key principles of the competency-based approach, such as the active role of the learner, focus on competence development, integrated, individualised learning and assessment of acquired skills. Methodological advice is provided on the organisation of the educational process, the choice of methods and techniques, as well as the assessment of learning outcomes. It is established that the transition to learning with a focus on key competencies is an important step in preparing students for life in the modern information and globalised world, where the ability to adapt, analyse and solve problems is critical. 'Based on the author's analysis, recommendations for the practical application of the competence-based approach in the educational process of higher education institutions in Ukraine are given. The study is an important source of information for teachers, educators, researchers, administrators of educational institutions and other participants in the educational process who are interested in modernising and improving the quality of higher education in Ukraine through the implementation of a competency-based approach. The practical value of this study lies in the possibility of practical application of its results to form an objective view of the implementation of the competence approach in modern higher education.


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How to Cite
Romanyshyn, Y., & Briukhovetska, I. (2024). IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COMPETENCE-BASED APPROACH: METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION IN UKRAINE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 62(1), 98-103.