Keywords: repression, free verse, innovation, philosophical lyricism, visual poetry, plot lyric


In the article, the stages of development of Azerbaijani poetry from the 19th century to the 20th–21st centuries, which were accompanied by fundamental changes, were reviewed. It has been noted that the wars that took place at the beginning of the 20th century and the strict rules and regulations applied by the Soviet regime had an undeniable influence on our literature. It was at that time, during the years of Repression, prominent representatives of Azerbaijani poetry were subjected to political oppression and persecution, exiled and shot. The names of the poets who played a special role in the development of Azerbaijani poetic thought during the Soviet period were mentioned, and at the same time, the genre and form innovations they brought to our poetry were shown. Starting from the 60s, poets and writers began to deepen their view of man and his spiritual world. This movement, which began in literature for the sake of freedom of speech and thought, political thought, pluralism, national independence, and social justice, was continued in the 70s and 90s, and finally achieved its prospective goals with the acquisition of political sovereignty and state independence of Azerbaijan. The trend of critical realism that prevailed in Azerbaijani poetry in the 19th century was replaced by socialism- realism in the 20th century. The names of the leading representatives of this current have been mentioned. The article compares the similarities and differences of both French and Azerbaijani poetry of the 20th century in terms of literary trends, form, content, and genre, citing the names of poets and showing examples. In particular, the poems of the French surrealist poet Jacques Préver are compared to the poems of Rasul Rza and Huseyn Javid and Adil Mirseyid. The article also examines the form and content of the newest poets distinguished by their innovation in 21st century Azerbaijani poetry.


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How to Cite
Shamilova, S. (2024). MODERN FRENCH AND AZERBAİJANİ POETRY AT THE LEVEL OF COMPARATİVİSTİCS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 62(1), 104-114.