Keywords: municipal law, model of local self-government, municipality, community, intermunicipal cooperation


Establishing a municipal governance system is a long process focused on selecting the best practices that have proven to be effective and efficient. One of the methods is the transit of elements of municipal systems borrowed from other countries. The experience of ensuring democratic participation of the community formed in Germany is of interest. The purpose of the article is to identify the components of the German model of municipal governance that can be used by Ukraine to improve the efficiency of the national system of local self-government and bring it closer to EU standards. The elements of the comparative analysis in the article are the analysis of the institutional model of municipal governance and its state and political basis; determination of the specifics of the distribution of powers between the state and local governments and the nature of community participation in local self-government; characterization of the system of financial guarantees and the budget system; determination of the principles of cooperation and coordination of municipalities. The article uses the methodology of comparative analysis based on the identification and analysis of the legal, structural, organizational, political and economic components of municipal governance in Ukraine and Germany.


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How to Cite
Akula, K. (2024). MUNICIPAL GOVERNANCE IN GERMANY: PRACTICE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR UKRAINE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 62(1), 136-143.