Keywords: digital development, development management, enterprises, digital technologies, digital solutions, crisis deformations


The article clarifies the essential aspects of digital development, analyses the state of digital development of Ukrainian enterprises over the past six years and establishes that the digital development of Ukrainian enterprises has not reached the level of developed countries yet. Many enterprises do not carry out digital transformation to the required extent due to limited budgets, lack of qualified personnel and the absence of a clear strategic plan. This gave the opportunity to identify the factors that influence the need to intensify the digital development of an enterprise and which should be taken into account in the process of developing a strategy for intensifying digital development. It is substantiated the measures and steps to activate the digital development of the enterprise and identifies new opportunities, which are generated in this case, in particular, it is noted that enterprises that activate digital development to get new opportunites, raise productivity, increase revenues and improve competitiveness, help create innovative products and services, attract foreign investment and expand international cooperation, change organisational culture and design, behavioural patterns of staff and their mentality. It is also important to create a favourable ecosystem for enhancing the digital development of enterprises, including government support, education and partnership with business.


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How to Cite
Gudz, O., & Zakharzhevska, A. (2024). ACTIVATION OF DIGITAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE IN THE CONDITIONS OF CRISIS DEFORMATIONS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 62(1), 158-164.