Keywords: interaction of the public and public sectors, partnerships for infrastructure restoration, bureaucracy and decision-making efficiency, interaction with the community


The author researched and analyzed the problems and possibilities of interaction between the state and public sectors in infrastructure restoration partnerships. Bureaucracy, financial constraints, insufficient interaction with the community and risks are identified as pressing issues that inhibit the effectiveness of infrastructure restoration. At the same time, consideration of the opportunities for interaction points to the significant benefits of innovative technologies, public- private partnerships, sustainability and social responsibility. The need for a comprehensive approach to overcoming problems and maximizing opportunities in the field of infrastructure restoration for the sustainable development of cities and regions is substantiated. Cooperation between the public and public sectors turns out to be an important factor for the successful development of infrastructure to solve the classic problems of bureaucracy and financial constraints. It is emphasized that the results of the study indicate that public involvement, effective risk management and the use of the latest technologies become the basis for creating a sustainable and efficient infrastructure that meets the modern requirements of society. This article serves as a practical overview and a challenge to develop strategies aimed at improving the interaction between sectors to achieve the common goals of sustainable development.


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How to Cite
Merzlyuk, L. (2024). PUBLIC SECTORS IN PARTNERSHIPS FOR INFRASTRUCTURE RENEWAL: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 62(1), 196-201.