Intrauterine infection occurs as a result of transplacental, amniotic, ascending or descending infection. The spectrum of pathogens is diverse: bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, mycoplasmas, chlamydia, and combinations of pathogens. When an infection enters the body of a pregnant woman, pathological changes in the fetus and amniotic fluid structures can have varying degrees of severity, from local to generalized. Cytomegalovirus infection is a widespread infection in the human population and affects 50 to 100% of the adult population. The infection leads to miscarriage, severe complications during pregnancy, birth of severely premature babies, birth of children with congenital malformations and pathology of internal organs, autism, further lag in physical and mental development, and disability of children. Timely prevention of CMV infection before and during pregnancy, compliance with hygiene standards, knowledge of a healthy lifestyle, culture of sexual relations, contraceptive methods and methods of prevention of sexually transmitted infections, rules of care for children with disabilities and the elderly, identification and formation of risk groups among pregnant women for primary infection or relapse of a chronic process, timely laboratory diagnosis of the activity of the infectious process and specific treatment
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