Keywords: identity, stability, trust, values, security, culture, education, security


The Russian-Ukrainian war has significantly impacted the national self-identification of Ukrainians. The purpose of this research is to examine the issues of national self-identification among Ukrainians in the conditions of war. The article explores how the ongoing war has influenced the national self-identification of Ukrainians, the challenges they face in preserving their national identity, and the factors contributing to the change in national self-identification in the context of war. The article focuses on analyzing the war in Ukraine as a manifestation of genocide and ecocide. The authors examine the complex aspects of the conflict, starting from its social and political roots to the environmental consequences on the natural surroundings. The article explores crimes against humanity and ecosystems, using the example of the war in Ukraine. The application of the terms "genocide" and "ecocide" is emphasized in the context of the war in Ukraine. The authors analyze an attempt to broaden the understanding of the negative consequences of war at the national heritage and environmental levels. The presented arguments and conclusions contribute to understanding the profound impact of war on society and ecosystems and may serve as a foundation for further humanitarian research in defining and qualifying such situations as genocide and ecocide. Special attention in the article is devoted to the transformation of contemporary European values and the challenges of shaping humanitarian and national security.


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How to Cite
Boyko, A., & Astapova-Vyazmina, O. (2024). SPECIFICITY OF IDENTIFICATION PRACTICES IN THE CONDITIONS OF WAR AND ECOCIDE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 63(2), 15-28. https://doi.org/10.23856/6302