means of working with linguistic material, depending on technological capabilities and basic didactic and pedagogical models. The development of cognitive didactics led to the emergence of a new concept of teaching a foreign language, based on taking into account the way students process linguistic material through immersion in the linguistic and cultural environment. Students, like all globalized modern society, are characterized by a great interest to the information space. In the period of social transformations of the world, in the time of the latest technologies and globalization, foreign language teachers can use the social advertising as the universal and rather harmonious sphere of mass media and information space to provide information material from a foreign language, because in addition to the large text content, such videos are a powerful factor, which influence on students even with some elements of manipulating them. Linguistic features of advertising texts undoubtedly play an important role in the use of foreign language concepts in social advertising videos, as they are aimed at drawing attention to current issues of society, moral values, and actualization of social problems. The text of social advertising itself creates a mood and image, forms the impression of the listener, observer or listener and further understanding of this information, which contains social advertising. Linguistic features of social advertising texts on a subconscious level affect the recipient, who must make the correct conclusion after watching a video of social advertising.
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