The article discusses the problem of using the project method in the training of students of a technological profile in a higher education institution. Particular attention is paid to the project method using in teaching the discipline "Technological Practicum". The analysis of the latest researchers show that project activity in the process of training specialists of technological and other profiles is considered by scientists as the most important method of successful formation of professional competence of future specialists. The author has singled out the such types of projects: research, creative, game, informational, practice-oriented. It was concluded that using the project method in the training of students of a technological profile in a higher education institution is aimed at socially significant psychophysical, moral and intellectual development, strengthening their aptitudes and abilities, their essential strengths and vocation; involvement of students in successful work and the system of universal moral values; formation and satisfaction of their activity and cognitive requests and needs; creating conditions for self-determination, creative self-expression and continuous education.
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